
Mes Bijoux
La Collection
Tous mes bijoux sont fabriqués avec des pierres précieuses naturelles et sont des créations originales. Chacun est fait à la main et assemblé avec ses propriétés métaphysiques à l'esprit.


Collier Oeil de Faucon & Agate Ronelle
L'œil de faucon est parfois appelé "l'œil du faucon" ou "l'œil du tigre bleu". Il est utilisé à de nombreuses fins métaphysiques. On pense qu'il aide ceux qui ont peur de voler. On pense qu'il est bon pour la vue et la vision, améliorant notre capacité de concentration, nos capacités psychiques et nos voyages astraux. La signification de Hawks Eye's Stone est Crystal Clear Vision, Soaring to Great Heights, Protection et une augmentation du succès dans le monde matériel et spirituel. De plus, les autres significations de Hawks Eye Stone sont la santé, la mobilité, le courage royal, le vol et les voyages. L'Œil de faucon est une pierre très puissante.
Les agates ont été trouvées dans de nombreux endroits à travers le monde, et elles étaient souvent considérées comme des pierres mythiques ou magiques. Par exemple, les Sud-Américains croyaient que les agates guériraient les maladies si leurs proches malades dormaient avec elles sous leurs oreillers la nuit ; Les Grecs pensaient que l'agate rendait les gens agréables ; et les Romains croyaient que les pierres d'agate chasseraient les serpents. Ils étaient également utilisés comme amulettes pour protéger les gens contre la malchance, la peur de l'invisible et la fièvre.


Collier en obsidienne noire, agate verte et pierre de lave noire
-Obsidienne noire
L'une des utilisations les plus populaires de l'obsidienne noire est de créer un bouclier de protection pour éloigner les énergies négatives ou nocives. Porter de l'obsidienne noire ou l'emporter avec vous peut aider à absorber la négativité que vous pourriez rencontrer.
La pierre d'obsidienne noire est un puissant nettoyant du smog psychique créé dans votre aura et est une pierre de protection psychique puissante. Cette pierre possède de puissantes propriétés métaphysiques qui vous aideront à vous protéger contre la négativité. L'énergie de ces pierres peut stimuler le don de prophétie et peut stimuler la précognition.
- Agate verte
Dans cette pierre, le pouvoir spirituel du vert est combiné à celui de l'agate. Selon les guérisseurs modernes qui utilisent des pierres dans la guérison, l'agate verte augmente la compassion, la générosité et un sens aigu de la justice, tout en améliorant la flexibilité mentale et émotionnelle, en améliorant la prise de décision et la résolution des différends.
-Perles de pierre de lave noire
On dit que la pierre de lave soulage l'anxiété, favorise la tranquillité émotionnelle et apporte calme et sensation de détente. La pierre de lave est censée avoir des effets spirituels très puissants sur l'esprit humain. On dit qu'elle nettoie les pensées et les émotions négatives, ainsi que stimule la créativité.




Bracelet Labradorite, Hématite et Oeil de Tigre Rouge
Spirituel : la signification spirituelle de la labradorite dynamise votre imagination pour créer de nouvelles idées, apportant de la clarté à votre moi intérieur, apportant la paix, promouvant le troisième œil, encourageant la vérité et la flexibilité, éveillant la liberté et l'équilibre, une circulation facile de l'énergie dans le corps et une libération naturelle. .
Les bijoux en labradorite aident à réduire le stress et l'anxiété, vous aidant ainsi à améliorer votre humeur et à rester calme. La labradorite est également connue pour renforcer le système immunitaire du corps et stimuler le métabolisme. Ces attributs peuvent être excellents pour aider à brûler les graisses et les glucides et sont également bons pour la perte de poids.
Une "pierre pour l'esprit", l'hématite stimule la concentration et la concentration, améliorant la mémoire et la pensée originale. L'hématite utilise les qualités magnétiques de nos énergies yin-yang pour équilibrer les méridiens dans le corps et pour fournir un équilibre stable entre le système nerveux éthéré et le système nerveux physique.
-Oeil de tigre rouge
Les anciens Égyptiens utilisaient l'Œil de Tigre pour transmettre le pouvoir du Dieu Soleil Ra, pour créer le succès matériel. Les soldats romains portaient l'Œil de Tigre lorsqu'ils allaient au combat car on croyait qu'il apportait force et protection. On dit aussi que l'Oeil de Tigre éloignerait le mauvais œil.
Dans des endroits comme l'Afrique où la croyance aux arts sombres et aux malédictions est répandue, Tigers Eye est utilisé pour conjurer ce qu'on appelle la magie noire. C'est le mélange d'esprits mauvais, de mauvaises actions, d'influences négatives et de pensées négatives générales.
Red Tiger Eye peut améliorer la confiance et l'estime de soi. Il aide à fournir de la motivation et peut aider à rester détendu et centré lorsqu'il est entouré d'un chaos chaotique. Les pierres d'oeil de tigre rouge peuvent également éveiller des talents latents et sont une superbe pierre d'équilibrage.
L'élément de Red Tigers Eye est le feu et il est associé à la racine ou au premier chakra. Il est associé aux Capricornes
Protège et ancre les énergies négatives.
Améliore la volonté, la positivité et la confiance.
Vide l'esprit et aide à la résolution de problèmes.
Attire la prospérité et la bonne chance.
Augmente la vitalité physique et l'endurance.
Accélère le métabolisme et augmente la faible libido.
Ils équilibrent l'âme, atténuent l'anxiété et rétablissent la confiance. Cette pierre est utilisée pour augmenter la richesse et la vitalité. L'Oeil de Tigre apporte une protection contre les énergies négatives et renforce l'estime de soi.

Paire de bracelets en œil de faucon, jaspe, coquillage et pierre de lave
Roche - Pierre de lave teintée
Énergie intense.
Stabilité et ancrage de l'esprit.
Courage et force.
Soulagement des tensions musculaires.
Clarté pour mettre l'accent sur la communication.
Apaisant pour contrôler la colère.
Énergisant pour améliorer votre humeur.
Soulagement de l'anxiété.
- Oeil de faucon
Hawk's Eye est considéré comme le plus autoritaire des pierres oculaires, conjurant les cauchemars, protégeant de la méchanceté et de la jalousie, et fournissant des informations et une conscience plus profondes afin que l'on puisse voir au-delà de l'évident.
Il soutient et soutient à travers les périodes de stress et apporte la tranquillité et la plénitude. Jasper offre une protection et absorbe l'énergie négative. Il équilibre le yin et le yang. Le jaspe élimine la pollution électromagnétique et environnementale, y compris les radiations.
Shell stimule l'intuition, la sensibilité, l'imagination et l'adaptabilité. Il aide à améliorer la clarté mentale et donne un aperçu de la prise de décision. Shell favorise la coopération entre soi et les autres, ainsi qu'à l'intérieur de soi. Il fournit une énergie cohésive pour les groupes.

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Ensemble Bracelet & Collier Oeil de Tigre Rouge & Hématite
-Oeil de tigre rouge
L'Oeil de Tigre Rouge est une pierre de protection et une pierre d'équilibre ancré. Comme l'oeil de tigre, c'est une pierre précieuse puissante. Les mots associés à l'oeil de tigre rouge sont la confiance en soi et l'estime de soi. D'autres noms pour lesquels il est connu incluent Ox Eye, Dragon's Eye, Red Tiger Stone, Cat's Eye Quartz et Bull's Eye.
Tigers Eye est bon pour développer votre confiance et votre force et il est connu comme la pierre du courage. C'est une pierre de chakra racine et sacrée, ce qui signifie qu'elle vous aide à vous ancrer, à construire une base sûre et solide et à retrouver votre motivation. C'est aussi bon pour éloigner les énergies négatives.
L'hématite est une pierre naturelle qui est souvent utilisée pour équilibrer et soutenir la guérison de votre corps et de votre maison lorsqu'elle est utilisée avec l'intention du feng shui. La couleur foncée peut être utilisée pour protéger et absorber les énergies négatives dans votre maison. Il est également connecté au chakra racine, il est donc ancré et stabilisant

Tour de cou victorien
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
Le dos a des garnitures en cristal et un pendentif en cristal.





Tour de cou victorien
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.

It also has Forest Agate.
Just as a dappled forest may bring calmness, so it's said tree agate brings a sense of peace and inner tranquility to wearers. This gemstone helps individuals look inside for self-examination, which also may result in a calm demeanor.
Le dos a des garnitures en cristal et un pendentif en cristal.


Tour de cou victorien
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.

Black Tourmaline is renowned for its remarkable healing properties. It is believed to possess strong protective energies that shield individuals from negative influences and psychic attacks. It is often used as a grounding stone, helping to stabilize and balance the body's energy field.
Hematite focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind, and spirit. Hematite dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. Hematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence.
Le dos a des garnitures en cristal et un pendentif en cristal.




Tour de cou victorien
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.

Tektites are a fantastic and rare form of natural glass formed when meteorites strike the earth. The force of the impact instantly liquifies the surrounding rocks and sends them flying into the air. Once air-born, it quickly cools down and re-solidifies, falling back to earth as a light-weight natural glass. Depending on where the meteorite strikes, Tektites can be different colors. The ones from Australia and Southeast Asia are a vivid black, while the ones from North Africa, known as Libyan Desert Glass, get their yellow coloring from the sands of the Sahara. The most precious variety is Moldavites from the Czech Republic. All Tektites encourage us to reach for the stars! This extraterrestrial birth makes Tektite a cosmic stone linked to the universe’s energy.
Tektites keep us grounded while also connecting us to the stars! It encourages us to be open to extrasensory phenomena, particularly telepathy and clairvoyance, as well as communication with extraterrestrials and inter-dimensional beings. Tektites are psychic tools, allowing us to explore the spiritual implications of moving beyond the normal space/time continuum and into the realm of pure energy. It can expand our consciousness during meditation, and integrate that sensation into our physical body and daily life. Tektites can also reverse a chakra that is spinning in the wrong direction and balance the energy flow within our body.
Le dos a des garnitures en cristal et un pendentif en cristal.

A "stone for the mind", Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. Hematite utilizes the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system.

Tour de cou victorien
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.

What does Moonstone represent? Moonstone represents inner clarity, cyclical change, and a connection to the feminine. It is a symbol of light and hope and also encourages us to embrace new beginnings. It is closely linked to themes of femininity such as fertility, balance, softness, and intuition.
Le dos a des garnitures en cristal et un pendentif en cristal.

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Tour de cou victorien
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.

The earthy qualities of lava make it a stone of grounding, focus and balance, materialism and restraint. Its fiery energy is associated with passion, assertiveness, and energy. When you are drawn to lava you may be seeking energy and stamina.
Le dos a des garnitures en cristal et un pendentif en cristal.


Tour de cou victorien

The earthy qualities of lava make it a stone of grounding, focus and balance, materialism and restraint. Its fiery energy is associated with passion, assertiveness, and energy. When you are drawn to lava you may be seeking energy and stamina.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.






Tour de cou victorien

Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
Green Agate -
The color green of this stone has long been associated with renewal, growth, and abundance. It is believed to bring luck, success, and prosperity in life when worn or kept close by. Green Agate helps to balance emotions and promotes courage and strength within oneself.

Hawk's eye emotional healing properties can be just as powerful as its physical benefits. This stone is said to be helpful in managing stress, anxiety, and fear. It is also believed to promote peace of mind and emotional balance. Hawk's eye can also help to ease grief and sorrow.

Tour de cou victorien

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.





Tour de cou victorien

Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang.


Tour de cou victorien

Hawk's eye emotional healing properties can be just as powerful as its physical benefits. This stone is said to be helpful in managing stress, anxiety, and fear. It is also believed to promote peace of mind and emotional balance. Hawk's eye can also help to ease grief and sorrow.
Labradorite helps an individual regain energy while aiding the body and spirit in healing itself. In the metaphysical world, labradorite is considered one of the most powerful protectors. The gemstone creates a shield for auras and protects against the negativity of the world.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
Bloodstone is an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healing stone. It heightens intuition and increases creativity. It is grounding and protecting. Bloodstone draws off negative environmental energy, helping to overcome influences such as geopathic or electromagnetic stress.
In general, morganite is connected to the heart and is attuned to the heart chakra. Morganite is believed to bring healing, compassion, and promise to those who wear it. Morganite opens wearers to unconditional love while dissolving the ego.




Tour de cou victorien

Pewter is thought to be a conductor of energy, making it suitable for amplifying the wearer's intent during magical rituals or spellwork. Pewter is often used as a base for gemstone settings. In this context, it can amplify the metaphysical properties of the stones it holds, enhancing their magickal effects.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang.

Tour de cou victorien

Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
One of the most significant producers of Amethyst is Brazil, where several states possess large deposits. Neighboring Uruguay produces less Amethyst, but many consider its clarity and rich, dark color to be superior to Brazilian Amethyst. Across the Atlantic, Zambia is also among the large global producers.





Tour de cou victorien

Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
Agate transforms negative energy into positive energy. Agate enhances mental function, improves concentration, and enhances perception and analytical abilities. It is a calming gemstone that heals inner anger, and anxiety and helps in the strengthening of relationships. Agate instills security and safety.
Yellow Agate helps you manifest your dreams into reality by stimulating imagination and creativity through its connection with the sun's energy.
Yellow agate is said to be a revitalizing crystal that’s perfect for building courage and confidence as well as bringing prosperity into your life. If you want to build your self-confidence as well as your self-esteem, this stone is believed to bring positivity into your life, raising your happiness level over time. If you want to overcome any obstacle in your way, it’s one to keep in mind.

Protection from negative energy is one of agate's most coveted properties. Blue Agate helps stabilize the aura, eliminating negative energy. In this way, the stone helps overcome bitterness or trauma. Because you are better able to keep your composure, this stone also sets the stage for smooth communication.
Tour de cou victorien

Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
Shell -
Being born of the ocean, shells are strongly associated with the element of water. They are also associated with the moon, which drives ocean tides. Both the element of water and the moon have strong feminine energies that are receptive in nature, so shells are primarily used in magic to draw things you desire into your life. One of the main symbols for Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, is the seashell. Invoke the power of Aphrodite for love spells using shells by wearing seashell jewelry or hair ornaments to attract a mate.
Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.





Tour de cou victorien

Jasper is regarded as a gemstone that gives a sense of well-being, intensifying that feeling. Also a stone of gentleness and relaxation, fancy jasper's rich colors blend and complement each other so well for a complete sense of wholeness. Ancient people regarded the stone Red Jasper, as a sacred stone of physical and spiritual protection—a natural healing stone that amounts to courage and wisdom. Therefore, Red Jasper was once a talisman of warriors and carried as a source of protection.
Green Jasper is useful for healing energy imbalances that manifest as obsession, overindulgence, and addiction. It works to detox and re-energize the body, mind, and spirit, which brings us into harmony. Set a crystal grid using pieces of Green Jasper in your home or meditation space.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.

Black Jasper is a highly protective stone that is excellent for grounding the energies of one who may be experiencing spaciness. It can help in connecting one's higher vibrations to the earth. Black Jasper is useful in relieving pain and helps with stomach ailments and foot problems.
Tour de cou victorien
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Jasper is regarded as a gemstone that gives a sense of well-being, intensifying that feeling. Also a stone of gentleness and relaxation, fancy jasper's rich colors blend and complement each other so well for a complete sense of wholeness. Ancient people regarded the stone Red Jasper, as a sacred stone of physical and spiritual protection—a natural healing stone that amounts to courage and wisdom. Therefore, Red Jasper was once a talisman of warriors and carried as a source of protection.
Green Jasper is useful for healing energy imbalances that manifest as obsession, overindulgence, and addiction. It works to detox and re-energize the body, mind, and spirit, which brings us into harmony. Set a crystal grid using pieces of Green Jasper in your home or meditation space.
Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination, and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self, and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
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Tour de cou victorien

- Labradorite helps an individual regain energy while aiding the body and spirit in healing itself. In the metaphysical world, labradorite is considered one of the most powerful protectors. The gemstone creates a shield for auras and protects against the negativity of the world. Labradorite, with its dazzling array of colors and profound metaphysical properties, is a stone of transformation, creativity, protection, and spiritual growth. Its grounding energy provides the stability needed during tumultuous times, encouraging perseverance and resilience. Whether you're using Labradorite to guide you through a transitional phase, awaken your psychic potential, enhance your creative expression, or shield yourself from negative energies, this stone offers a helping hand in attuning yourself to your inner spirit and stepping forward into the unknown with confidence and courage.
- Hawk's Eye \ Blue Tiger's Eye. It's also considered an introspective stone that can help someone overcome challenges and develop intuition. Some also connect hawk's eye with astral travel. Hawk's eye is also connected with having a keen eye for identifying obstacles before they become problematic.
Hawk Eye Gemstone Uses & Crystal Healing Properties – Lily ...
The eye of a Hawk is the 'all-seeing all-knowing eye' of Ra. Hawk Eye is a stone for protection, power, and perseverance working to fill the aura with fiery confidence. This will aid the manifestation of reaching new heights while remaining grounded and focused. It opens up the third eye to bring calmness and intuition.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
- Citrine. Citrine is a stone that radiates positivity and happiness. It is known as the "success stone" because it is said to promote success, good fortune, and abundance. This is the best crystal to boost those manifestations if you have intentions that involve achieving success in financial or business ventures. Citrine is a power crystal that increases mental clarity and boosts one's ability to manifest desires. The crystal is also an aura protector; it acts as an early warning system so that action can be taken to protect oneself. Citrine carries the sun’s power, making it warming, energizing, and highly creative. The stone absorbs, transmutes, dissipates, and grounds negative energy, therefore highly protective of the environment.

Tour de cou victorien

Phlogopite. The healing properties of Phlogopite will assist in removing spiritual blockages that are present. It is a stone that will promote flexibility in your perceptions. When you become flexible in your way of thinking, you will be able to adapt to these perceptions and integrate them into your life. In Native American folklore, Phlogopite is believed to bring energies from Father Sky, Mother Earth, and the four directions.
It’s a powerful stone that will speed up evolution in all aspects of your life. It will also bring about a revolution of sorts that will steer you in the right direction.
Phlogopite will inspire you to live your life in joy and peace. It will encourage you to embrace your true nature and positively influence all those around you.
This stone will also give you the strength and courage to fight injustices in humanity.
Lepidolite is believed to shield the wearer from external influences, absorb electromagnetic pollution, and provide psychic protection by deflecting negative energies. People utilize lepidolite in various forms, such as jewelry or placing the stone in strategic locations, to harness its calming energy, stabilize mood swings, and encourage restful sleep. To care for lepidolite, it is recommended to cleanse it regularly by placing it under the moonlight, smudging with sage, or using other crystals like selenite, and to avoid exposing it to water and sunlight to preserve its vibrant lilac hue.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
- Lepidolite is sometimes called the "peace stone" or "grandmother stone" because it is thought to have nurturing and calming properties. Within the metaphysical realm, lepidolite aids in overcoming emotional or mental dependency and helps treat addictions and all kinds of conditions, including anorexia. This crystal is celebrated for its power to soothe anxiety, relieve depression, and promote emotional healing by balancing the mind and spirit, primarily through its lithium content.






Tour de cou victorien

Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.
Phlogopite. The healing properties of Phlogopite will assist in removing spiritual blockages that are present. It is a stone that will promote flexibility in your perceptions. When you become flexible in your way of thinking, you will be able to adapt to these perceptions and integrate them into your life. In Native American folklore, Phlogopite is believed to bring energies from Father Sky, Mother Earth, and the four directions.
It’s a powerful stone that will speed up evolution in all aspects of your life. It will also bring about a revolution of sorts that will steer you in the right direction.
Phlogopite will inspire you to live your life in joy and peace. It will encourage you to embrace your true nature and positively influence all those around you.
This stone will also give you the strength and courage to fight injustices in humanity.
Lepidolite is believed to shield the wearer from external influences, absorb electromagnetic pollution, and provide psychic protection by deflecting negative energies. People utilize lepidolite in various forms, such as jewelry or placing the stone in strategic locations, to harness its calming energy, stabilize mood swings, and encourage restful sleep. To care for lepidolite, it is recommended to cleanse it regularly by placing it under the moonlight, smudging with sage, or using other crystals like selenite, and to avoid exposing it to water and sunlight to preserve its vibrant lilac hue.

Tour de cou victorien

Those who tune in with the power of Moldavite soon experience its intense frequency, a synthesis of extraterrestrial and Earthly energies that frequently manifest powerfully. When holding Moldavite for the first time, you could experience heat at first in your palm before spreading to other parts of your body. A hammering pulse, facial flushing or perspiration, and an emotional release ranging from laughing to crying can all be signs that the heart chakra is active.
The frequency of Moldavite could take some getting used to. It is still highly prized in the metaphysical world for its profound capacity to quicken one's personal and spiritual progress and its role as a catalyst for bringing to light change for the greater good.
What is Moldavite?
Moldavite is a mineral that has a fusion of extraterrestrial energies with Mother Earth due to the way it is formed. Moldavite has no crystalline structure, so it takes you beyond your limits and boundaries. Many people believe that Moldavite came to us to aid in Earth’s transition and healing and that the time has come to use Moldavite’s energy wisely.
This stone can significantly enhance the effect of other crystals, taking them to their highest vibration. Use Moldavite to help you understand who you are and why you are here.
Ce tour de cou a des chaînes, des perles et un pendentif caraco antique. Je l'ai fait il y a des années pour un costume d'Halloween.






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