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Mis Joyas

La colección 

Todas mis joyas están hechas con piedras preciosas naturales y son diseños originales. Cada uno está hecho a mano y ensamblado teniendo en cuenta sus propiedades metafísicas.

Collar Ojo de Halcón y Ágata Ronelle

El ojo de halcón a veces se conoce como "ojo de halcón" u "ojo de tigre azul". Se utiliza para muchos propósitos metafísicos. Se cree que ayuda a las personas con miedo a volar. Se cree que es bueno para la vista y la visión, mejorando nuestra capacidad de concentración, nuestras habilidades psíquicas y el viaje astral. El significado de la piedra del ojo de halcón es visión cristalina, elevarse a grandes alturas, protección y un aumento del éxito en el mundo material y espiritual. Además, otros significados de la piedra del ojo de halcón son la salud, la movilidad, el coraje real, el vuelo y los viajes. El Ojo de Halcón es una piedra muy poderosa.

Se han encontrado ágatas en muchos lugares del mundo, y con frecuencia se pensaba que eran piedras míticas o mágicas. Por ejemplo, los sudamericanos creían que las ágatas curaban enfermedades si sus parientes enfermos dormían con ellos debajo de la almohada por la noche; Los griegos pensaban que el ágata hacía agradable a la gente; y los romanos creían que las piedras de ágata ahuyentarían a las serpientes. También se usaban como amuletos para proteger a las personas contra la mala suerte, el miedo a lo oculto y la fiebre.

Red Rose
Red Rose

Collar de obsidiana negra, ágata verde y piedra de lava negra

-Obsidiana negra 

Uno de los usos más populares de la obsidiana negra es crear un escudo de protección para alejar las energías negativas o dañinas. Usar obsidiana negra o llevarla contigo puede ayudar a absorber la negatividad que puedas encontrar. 
Black Obsidian Stone es un poderoso limpiador del smog psíquico creado dentro de tu aura y es una fuerte piedra de protección psíquica. Esta piedra tiene poderosas propiedades metafísicas que te ayudarán a protegerte contra la negatividad. La energía de estas piedras puede estimular el don de la profecía y puede impulsar la precognición.

- Ágata verde 

En esta piedra se combina el poder espiritual del verde con el del ágata. Según los curanderos modernos que usan piedras en la curación, el ágata verde aumenta la compasión, la generosidad y un agudo sentido de la justicia, además de mejorar la flexibilidad mental y emocional, mejorar la toma de decisiones y resolver disputas.

-Cuentas de piedra de lava negra

Se dice que la piedra de lava alivia la ansiedad, promueve la tranquilidad emocional y brinda calma y sentimientos de relajación. Se supone que la piedra de lava tiene efectos espirituales muy poderosos en la mente humana. Se dice que limpia los pensamientos y las emociones negativas, además de estimular la creatividad.

bracelet and necklace

Pulsera de labradorita, hematites y ojo de tigre rojo


Espiritual: el significado espiritual de la labradorita energiza su imaginación para crear nuevas ideas, brindando claridad a su ser interior, brindando paz, promoviendo el tercer ojo, fomentando la verdad y la flexibilidad, despertando la libertad y el equilibrio, facilitando el flujo de energía dentro del cuerpo y liberación natural .
Las joyas de labradorita ayudan a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, por lo que te ayudan a mejorar tu estado de ánimo y mantener la calma. También se sabe que la labradorita fortalece el sistema inmunológico del cuerpo y estimula el metabolismo. Estos atributos pueden ser excelentes para ayudar a quemar grasas y carbohidratos y también son buenos para perder peso.




Una "piedra para la mente", la hematita estimula la concentración y el enfoque, mejorando la memoria y el pensamiento original. La hematita utiliza las cualidades magnéticas de nuestras energías yin-yang para equilibrar los meridianos del cuerpo y proporcionar un equilibrio estable entre el sistema nervioso etéreo y el sistema nervioso físico.

-Ojo de tigre rojo

Los antiguos egipcios usaban el Ojo de Tigre para transmitir el poder del Dios Sol Ra, para crear el éxito material. Los soldados romanos usaban el ojo de tigre cuando iban a la batalla porque se creía que aportaba fuerza y protección. También se dice que el Ojo de Tigre ahuyentaría el mal de ojo.

En lugares como África, donde la creencia en las artes oscuras y las maldiciones está muy extendida, el ojo de tigre se usa para protegerse de lo que se conoce como magia negra. Esta es la mezcla de espíritus malignos, maldad, influencias negativas y pensamientos negativos en general.

Red Tiger Eye puede mejorar la confianza y la autoestima. Ayuda a proporcionar motivación y puede ayudar a mantenerse relajado y centrado cuando está rodeado de caos caótico. Red Tiger's Eye Stones también puede despertar talentos latentes y es una excelente piedra de equilibrio.

El elemento del Ojo de Tigre Rojo es el fuego y está asociado con la Raíz o Primer Chakra. Se asocia con Capricornio.

Protege contra y pone a tierra las energías negativas.
Mejora la fuerza de voluntad, la positividad y la confianza.
Despeja la mente y ayuda en la resolución de problemas.
Atrae la prosperidad y la buena suerte.
Aumenta la vitalidad física y la resistencia.
Acelera el metabolismo y aumenta el bajo deseo sexual.

Equilibran el alma, alivian la ansiedad y restauran la confianza. Esta piedra se utiliza para aumentar la riqueza y la vitalidad. El ojo de tigre brinda protección contra la energía negativa y fortalece la autoestima.

Blue Flowers

Par de pulseras de ojo de halcón, jaspe, concha y piedra de lava

Roca - Piedra de lava teñida

Energía intensa.
Estabilidad y puesta a tierra del espíritu.
Coraje y fuerza.
Alivio de la tensión muscular.
Claridad para enfocar la comunicación.
Calmante para controlar la ira.
Energizante para levantar el ánimo.
Alivio de la ansiedad.

-Ojo de halcón

El ojo de halcón se considera la piedra de ojo con más autoridad, ya que evita las pesadillas, protege a uno de la malicia y los celos, y proporciona una visión y una conciencia más profundas para que uno pueda ver más allá de lo obvio.


Sostiene y apoya en momentos de estrés y aporta tranquilidad y plenitud. El jaspe brinda protección y absorbe la energía negativa. Equilibra el yin y el yang. Jasper limpia la contaminación electromagnética y ambiental, incluida la radiación.


Shell estimula la intuición, la sensibilidad, la imaginación y la adaptabilidad. Ayuda a mejorar la claridad mental y proporciona información sobre la toma de decisiones. Shell promueve la cooperación entre uno mismo y los demás, así como dentro de uno mismo. Proporciona energía cohesiva para los grupos.

jewelry 3.png

Conjunto de pulsera y collar de ojo de tigre rojo y hematites

-Ojo de tigre rojo

El ojo de tigre rojo es una piedra de protección y una piedra de equilibrio a tierra. Al igual que el ojo de tigre, es una piedra preciosa poderosa. Las palabras asociadas con Red Tigers Eye son Confianza en uno mismo y Valor propio. Otros nombres por los que es conocido incluyen Ox Eye, Dragon's Eye, Red Tiger Stone, Cat's Eye Quartz y Bull's Eye.
El ojo de tigre es bueno para aumentar la confianza y la fuerza y se conoce como la piedra del coraje. Es una piedra de chakra raíz y sacro, lo que significa que te ayuda a conectarte a tierra, construir una base segura y fuerte, y encontrar tu motivación una vez más. También es bueno para protegerse de la energía negativa.


La hematita es una piedra natural que a menudo se usa para equilibrar y apoyar la curación de su cuerpo y su hogar cuando se usa con la intención del feng shui. El color oscuro se puede utilizar para proteger y absorber cualquier energía negativa en tu hogar. También está conectado con el chakra raíz, por lo que está conectando a tierra y estabilizando

Dramatic Flowers

Gargantilla victoriana

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

La parte trasera tiene detalles de cristal y un colgante de cristal.

Victorian Chocker
Chocker Back
Victorian Choker.jpg

Gargantilla victoriana

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 


It also has Forest Agate.

Just as a dappled forest may bring calmness, so it's said tree agate brings a sense of peace and inner tranquility to wearers. This gemstone helps individuals look inside for self-examination, which also may result in a calm demeanor.

La parte trasera tiene detalles de cristal y un colgante de cristal.

Gerbera Flower

Gargantilla victoriana

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 


Black Tourmaline is renowned for its remarkable healing properties. It is believed to possess strong protective energies that shield individuals from negative influences and psychic attacks. It is often used as a grounding stone, helping to stabilize and balance the body's energy field.

Hematite focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind, and spirit. Hematite dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. Hematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence.

La parte trasera tiene detalles de cristal y un colgante de cristal.


Gargantilla victoriana

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 


Tektites are a fantastic and rare form of natural glass formed when meteorites strike the earth.  The force of the impact instantly liquifies the surrounding rocks and sends them flying into the air.  Once air-born, it quickly cools down and re-solidifies, falling back to earth as a light-weight natural glass. Depending on where the meteorite strikes, Tektites can be different colors.  The ones from Australia and Southeast Asia are a vivid black, while the ones from North Africa, known as Libyan Desert Glass, get their yellow coloring from the sands of the Sahara.  The most precious variety is Moldavites from the Czech Republic.  All Tektites encourage us to reach for the stars! This extraterrestrial birth makes Tektite a cosmic stone linked to the universe’s energy. 

Tektites keep us grounded while also connecting us to the stars! It encourages us to be open to extrasensory phenomena, particularly telepathy and clairvoyance, as well as communication with extraterrestrials and inter-dimensional beings. Tektites are psychic tools, allowing us to explore the spiritual implications of moving beyond the normal space/time continuum and into the realm of pure energy.  It can expand our consciousness during meditation, and integrate that sensation into our physical body and daily life.  Tektites can also reverse a chakra that is spinning in the wrong direction and balance the energy flow within our body.

La parte trasera tiene detalles de cristal y un colgante de cristal.


A "stone for the mind", Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. Hematite utilizes the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system.

Blue Hydrangeas

Gargantilla victoriana

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 


What does Moonstone represent? Moonstone represents inner clarity, cyclical change, and a connection to the feminine. It is a symbol of light and hope and also encourages us to embrace new beginnings. It is closely linked to themes of femininity such as fertility, balance, softness, and intuition.

La parte trasera tiene detalles de cristal y un colgante de cristal.


Gargantilla victoriana

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 


The earthy qualities of lava make it a stone of grounding, focus and balance, materialism and restraint. Its fiery energy is associated with passion, assertiveness, and energy. When you are drawn to lava you may be seeking energy and stamina.

La parte trasera tiene detalles de cristal y un colgante de cristal.

Northern Lights

Gargantilla victoriana


The earthy qualities of lava make it a stone of grounding, focus and balance, materialism and restraint. Its fiery energy is associated with passion, assertiveness, and energy. When you are drawn to lava you may be seeking energy and stamina.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

Single Flower in Vase

Gargantilla victoriana


Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

Green Agate -

The color green of this stone has long been associated with renewal, growth, and abundance. It is believed to bring luck, success, and prosperity in life when worn or kept close by. Green Agate helps to balance emotions and promotes courage and strength within oneself.


Hawk's eye emotional healing properties can be just as powerful as its physical benefits. This stone is said to be helpful in managing stress, anxiety, and fear. It is also believed to promote peace of mind and emotional balance. Hawk's eye can also help to ease grief and sorrow.

Abstract Design

Gargantilla victoriana


Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

Om Symbol on the Beach

Gargantilla victoriana


Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang.


Gargantilla victoriana


Hawk's eye emotional healing properties can be just as powerful as its physical benefits. This stone is said to be helpful in managing stress, anxiety, and fear. It is also believed to promote peace of mind and emotional balance. Hawk's eye can also help to ease grief and sorrow.

Labradorite helps an individual regain energy while aiding the body and spirit in healing itself. In the metaphysical world, labradorite is considered one of the most powerful protectors. The gemstone creates a shield for auras and protects against the negativity of the world.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

Bloodstone is an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healing stone. It heightens intuition and increases creativity. It is grounding and protecting. Bloodstone draws off negative environmental energy, helping to overcome influences such as geopathic or electromagnetic stress.

In general, morganite is connected to the heart and is attuned to the heart chakra. Morganite is believed to bring healing, compassion, and promise to those who wear it. Morganite opens wearers to unconditional love while dissolving the ego.

jewelry set

Gargantilla victoriana


Pewter is thought to be a conductor of energy, making it suitable for amplifying the wearer's intent during magical rituals or spellwork. Pewter is often used as a base for gemstone settings. In this context, it can amplify the metaphysical properties of the stones it holds, enhancing their magickal effects.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang.

necklace set

Gargantilla victoriana


Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

One of the most significant producers of Amethyst is Brazil, where several states possess large deposits. Neighboring Uruguay produces less Amethyst, but many consider its clarity and rich, dark color to be superior to Brazilian Amethyst. Across the Atlantic, Zambia is also among the large global producers.

Pink Lemonade

Gargantilla victoriana


Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

Agate transforms negative energy into positive energy. Agate enhances mental function, improves concentration, and enhances perception and analytical abilities. It is a calming gemstone that heals inner anger, and anxiety and helps in the strengthening of relationships. Agate instills security and safety.

Yellow Agate helps you manifest your dreams into reality by stimulating imagination and creativity through its connection with the sun's energy.

Yellow agate is said to be a revitalizing crystal that’s perfect for building courage and confidence as well as bringing prosperity into your life. If you want to build your self-confidence as well as your self-esteem, this stone is believed to bring positivity into your life, raising your happiness level over time. If you want to overcome any obstacle in your way, it’s one to keep in mind.


Protection from negative energy is one of agate's most coveted properties. Blue Agate helps stabilize the aura, eliminating negative energy. In this way, the stone helps overcome bitterness or trauma. Because you are better able to keep your composure, this stone also sets the stage for smooth communication.

Gargantilla victoriana


Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

Shell -
Being born of the ocean, shells are strongly associated with the element of water. They are also associated with the moon, which drives ocean tides. Both the element of water and the moon have strong feminine energies that are receptive in nature, so shells are primarily used in magic to draw things you desire into your life. One of the main symbols for Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, is the seashell. Invoke the power of Aphrodite for love spells using shells by wearing seashell jewelry or hair ornaments to attract a mate. 

Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.

Green and Purple Succulents
Poppy Flowers on Dark Background

Gargantilla victoriana


Jasper is regarded as a gemstone that gives a sense of well-being, intensifying that feeling. Also a stone of gentleness and relaxation, fancy jasper's rich colors blend and complement each other so well for a complete sense of wholeness. Ancient people regarded the stone Red Jasper, as a sacred stone of physical and spiritual protection—a natural healing stone that amounts to courage and wisdom. Therefore, Red Jasper was once a talisman of warriors and carried as a source of protection.

Green Jasper is useful for healing energy imbalances that manifest as obsession, overindulgence, and addiction. It works to detox and re-energize the body, mind, and spirit, which brings us into harmony. Set a crystal grid using pieces of Green Jasper in your home or meditation space.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 


Black Jasper is a highly protective stone that is excellent for grounding the energies of one who may be experiencing spaciness. It can help in connecting one's higher vibrations to the earth. Black Jasper is useful in relieving pain and helps with stomach ailments and foot problems.

Gargantilla victoriana


Jasper is regarded as a gemstone that gives a sense of well-being, intensifying that feeling. Also a stone of gentleness and relaxation, fancy jasper's rich colors blend and complement each other so well for a complete sense of wholeness. Ancient people regarded the stone Red Jasper, as a sacred stone of physical and spiritual protection—a natural healing stone that amounts to courage and wisdom. Therefore, Red Jasper was once a talisman of warriors and carried as a source of protection.

Green Jasper is useful for healing energy imbalances that manifest as obsession, overindulgence, and addiction. It works to detox and re-energize the body, mind, and spirit, which brings us into harmony. Set a crystal grid using pieces of Green Jasper in your home or meditation space.

Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination, and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self, and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 


Gargantilla victoriana


- Labradorite helps an individual regain energy while aiding the body and spirit in healing itself. In the metaphysical world, labradorite is considered one of the most powerful protectors. The gemstone creates a shield for auras and protects against the negativity of the world. Labradorite, with its dazzling array of colors and profound metaphysical properties, is a stone of transformation, creativity, protection, and spiritual growth. Its grounding energy provides the stability needed during tumultuous times, encouraging perseverance and resilience. Whether you're using Labradorite to guide you through a transitional phase, awaken your psychic potential, enhance your creative expression, or shield yourself from negative energies, this stone offers a helping hand in attuning yourself to your inner spirit and stepping forward into the unknown with confidence and courage.

- Hawk's Eye \ Blue Tiger's Eye. It's also considered an introspective stone that can help someone overcome challenges and develop intuition. Some also connect hawk's eye with astral travel. Hawk's eye is also connected with having a keen eye for identifying obstacles before they become problematic.
Hawk Eye Gemstone Uses & Crystal Healing Properties – Lily ...
The eye of a Hawk is the 'all-seeing all-knowing eye' of Ra. Hawk Eye is a stone for protection, power, and perseverance working to fill the aura with fiery confidence. This will aid the manifestation of reaching new heights while remaining grounded and focused. It opens up the third eye to bring calmness and intuition.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

- Citrine. Citrine is a stone that radiates positivity and happiness. It is known as the "success stone" because it is said to promote success, good fortune, and abundance. This is the best crystal to boost those manifestations if you have intentions that involve achieving success in financial or business ventures. Citrine is a power crystal that increases mental clarity and boosts one's ability to manifest desires. The crystal is also an aura protector; it acts as an early warning system so that action can be taken to protect oneself. Citrine carries the sun’s power, making it warming, energizing, and highly creative. The stone absorbs, transmutes, dissipates, and grounds negative energy, therefore highly protective of the environment.


Gargantilla victoriana


Phlogopite. The healing properties of Phlogopite will assist in removing spiritual blockages that are present. It is a stone that will promote flexibility in your perceptions. When you become flexible in your way of thinking, you will be able to adapt to these perceptions and integrate them into your life. In Native American folklore, Phlogopite is believed to bring energies from Father Sky, Mother Earth, and the four directions.
It’s a powerful stone that will speed up evolution in all aspects of your life. It will also bring about a revolution of sorts that will steer you in the right direction.
Phlogopite will inspire you to live your life in joy and peace. It will encourage you to embrace your true nature and positively influence all those around you.
This stone will also give you the strength and courage to fight injustices in humanity.

Lepidolite is believed to shield the wearer from external influences, absorb electromagnetic pollution, and provide psychic protection by deflecting negative energies. People utilize lepidolite in various forms, such as jewelry or placing the stone in strategic locations, to harness its calming energy, stabilize mood swings, and encourage restful sleep. To care for lepidolite, it is recommended to cleanse it regularly by placing it under the moonlight, smudging with sage, or using other crystals like selenite, and to avoid exposing it to water and sunlight to preserve its vibrant lilac hue.

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

- Lepidolite is sometimes called the "peace stone" or "grandmother stone" because it is thought to have nurturing and calming properties. Within the metaphysical realm, lepidolite aids in overcoming emotional or mental dependency and helps treat addictions and all kinds of conditions, including anorexia. This crystal is celebrated for its power to soothe anxiety, relieve depression, and promote emotional healing by balancing the mind and spirit, primarily through its lithium content. 

Purple Flowers

Gargantilla victoriana


Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

Phlogopite. The healing properties of Phlogopite will assist in removing spiritual blockages that are present. It is a stone that will promote flexibility in your perceptions. When you become flexible in your way of thinking, you will be able to adapt to these perceptions and integrate them into your life. In Native American folklore, Phlogopite is believed to bring energies from Father Sky, Mother Earth, and the four directions.
It’s a powerful stone that will speed up evolution in all aspects of your life. It will also bring about a revolution of sorts that will steer you in the right direction.
Phlogopite will inspire you to live your life in joy and peace. It will encourage you to embrace your true nature and positively influence all those around you.
This stone will also give you the strength and courage to fight injustices in humanity.

Lepidolite is believed to shield the wearer from external influences, absorb electromagnetic pollution, and provide psychic protection by deflecting negative energies. People utilize lepidolite in various forms, such as jewelry or placing the stone in strategic locations, to harness its calming energy, stabilize mood swings, and encourage restful sleep. To care for lepidolite, it is recommended to cleanse it regularly by placing it under the moonlight, smudging with sage, or using other crystals like selenite, and to avoid exposing it to water and sunlight to preserve its vibrant lilac hue.


Gargantilla victoriana

lotus pendant

Those who tune in with the power of Moldavite soon experience its intense frequency, a synthesis of extraterrestrial and Earthly energies that frequently manifest powerfully. When holding Moldavite for the first time, you could experience heat at first in your palm before spreading to other parts of your body. A hammering pulse, facial flushing or perspiration, and an emotional release ranging from laughing to crying can all be signs that the heart chakra is active. 

The frequency of Moldavite could take some getting used to. It is still highly prized in the metaphysical world for its profound capacity to quicken one's personal and spiritual progress and its role as a catalyst for bringing to light change for the greater good.

What is Moldavite?


Moldavite is a mineral that has a fusion of extraterrestrial energies with Mother Earth due to the way it is formed. Moldavite has no crystalline structure, so it takes you beyond your limits and boundaries. Many people believe that Moldavite came to us to aid in Earth’s transition and healing and that the time has come to use Moldavite’s energy wisely. 

This stone can significantly enhance the effect of other crystals, taking them to their highest vibration. Use Moldavite to help you understand who you are and why you are here. 

Esta gargantilla tiene cadenas, abalorios y un colgante de camisola antiguo. Lo hice hace años para un disfraz de Halloween. 

lotus pendant
Gold Liquid
Afternoon Light

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